Matthew’s Boundless Playground, located at the magical Give Kids The World Village, is a whimsical park created especially for special needs children. It is designed to inspire the imagination of young children by transporting them into a life-sized version of the Candy Land game. Complete with fun trails, slides and adventures galore, this “sweet” land features a fully accessible playground for children of all ages and abilities.
Civil/Site Engineering, Inc. was involved from the concept development and site design to permitting and construction observation. Construction documents including paving, grading and sub-surface drainage to support the flexible, pervious surface, were prepared by our team and submitted for agency review and approval.
Project highlights include the fulfillment of all ADA requirements and complete wheelchair accessibility throughout the areas and multiple levels of the playground. Additionally, the stormwater pond was designed to provide passive recreation for the site. Funds for the playground were generously donated by Hasbro, as well as the use of their animated artwork.